Diophantine Geometry and L-functions: Hindry 65

Diophantine Geometry and L-functions: Hindry 65 and Andrea Surroca.

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Contact: conference.m.hindry.65@gmail.com
Organizers: Philippe Lebacque, Fabien Pazuki, Cecília Salgado.

Andrea Surroca did her PhD with Marc Hindry and Michel Waldschmidt. She worked on algebraic values of transcendental functions for her PhD thesis, and later she published results on Siegel's theorem and the abc conjecture, the Chevalley-Weil theorem for curves, heights of S-integral points on elliptic curves, the BSD conjecture. She co-authored some of her papers with Yuri Bilu, Marco Strambi, Vincent Bosser. She was always very enthusiastic, full of life.

She was an invited speaker to this conference. On November 18, 2021, she wrote the following message to the organizers: "Je ne sais pas ce que la vie m'offrira d'ici là, mais a priori, je participerai à la conférence, et voudrais faire un exposé. (...) Merci pour tenir bon, malgré la pandémie, et continuer à organiser cette conférence."

On August 25, we received another message: "Malheureusement, je ne pourrai pas donner d'exposé à la conférence. Je ne suis pas sûre de pouvoir venir."

She passed away at the beginning of September 2022, from cancer. We had no idea.

She will be deeply missed.


Conference picture with Andrea, in memoriam.