GANDA Workshop in Stellenbosch

University of Stellenbosch
March 28 - 30, 2022
Organizers: Naina Ralaivaosaona, Fabien Pazuki.
The workshop will include an advanced course on Mahler measure and an advanced course on Inverse Galois theory. It will also include talks in number theory and connected topics.
Courses by:
Riccardo Pengo (ENS-Lyon):
Big problems for small heights: an introduction to Mahler's measure.
Angelot Behajaina (Univ. Paris-Sud Orsay):
Inverse Galois Theory over Skew Fields.
Research talks by Brice Razakarinoro, Hobihasina Patrick Rakotoarisoa, Dimbinaina Ralaivaosaona.
General program of the event
The end of the week will be devoted to research collaboration between the participants.
Avec le soutien du CNRS, de la NRF, de l'
Equipe de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, du Département de mathématiques de Copenhague, de l'Université de Stellenbosch, de l'AIMS, de l'Université d'Antananarivo.