Number Theory week by GANDA

University of Witwatersrand
October 28 - October 31, 2024
Organizers: Augustine Munagi, Fabien Pazuki.
We dedicate this conference to the 102th anniversary of the University of Witwatersrand and to the 152th anniversary of the Société Mathématique de France! Happy birthday!
The week will start by some advanced courses presenting background material. It will then be followed by a research conference.
Courses by:
Richard Griffon (Clermont-Ferrand),
Marion Le Gonidec (La Reunion),
Jiang Zheng (Lyon 1).
Research Conference:
Richard Griffon (Clermont-Ferrand),
Jiang Zheng (Lyon 1),
Florian Luca (Stellenbosch),
Augustine Munagi (Johannesburg).
On top of that, we will have several student talks.
General program of the conference.
The end of the week will be devoted to research collaboration between the participants.
Conference picture.
Picture of one talk.
Avec le soutien du CNRS, de la NRF, de l'
Equipe de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, du Département de mathématiques de Copenhague, de l'Université de Stellenbosch, de l'AIMS, de l'Université de Witwatersrand, de l'Université d'Antananarivo, de Coe-Mass.